Low Calorie Indian Salads

With summers fast approaching, it is only right that you start eating light salads and raitas. The heat isn’t kind so it’s best you are kind to your own body! The following blog gives you great recipes for salads and raitas that you can make in a jiffy, without much hassle. You can also get […]

20 Feb 2023 Read More

Holy Moly Guacamole Toasties: Easy Guacamole Dip Recipe

We know what we love best about Guacamole, right? It’s pasty, fresh, crunchy, sour and salty, all at the same time. Paired with the right corn chip tortilla, or spread on a thin crispy toast, it makes for a perfect snack. So, here’s an easy guacamole dip recipe that is satisfying to make and tastes […]

14 Feb 2023 Read More

World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day World Cancer Day is an annual observance on February 4th to raise awareness about cancer and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. It is an initiative of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to bring together individuals, communities, and organizations to reduce the global impact of cancer. The aim is […]

04 Feb 2023 Read More

Winter Soups & How To Make Them!

Soups, we all think of them to be a meagre meal that only has water, vegetables and salt, but they are so much more than that. Soups are comforting, hearty, thick, thin, have a variety of flavours, and have so many different ways of making the same soup. Soups are a type of liquid-based food […]

19 Jan 2023 Read More

National Youth Day

National Youth Day is a national holiday in India celebrated on January 12th every year to mark the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. The day is celebrated to promote the ideals of Swami Vivekananda, who was a spiritual leader and a philosopher, and to inspire the youth of India to follow his teachings. The theme […]

12 Jan 2023 Read More


What comes to your mind when you hear India? Diverse, colourful, dynamic, cultural hotpot, different languages, the list is endless. India is known to be a cultural melting pot, with several practices that are fascinating, intriguing and absolutely fun. India’s history showcases the several different cultures and dynasties that have had an erstwhile influence on […]

12 Jan 2023 Read More

Winter Season Foods: The Nutrition You Need For the Cold Season

Do our nutritional needs change from season to season? The broad answer to this not-so-simple question is – YES! They do. The primary reason behind this is that our body has to change itself and adapt to the surroundings and the environment we live in. Winter season brings with it changed weather conditions. Therefore, to […]

04 Dec 2022 Read More

Easy Spinach Recipes | 6 Delicious Ways to Eat Spinach this Winter

Spinach is one of the most important Leafy Green vegetables. It is rich in vitamins, essential minerals, and water, and is known for its many health benefits. In the Northern Part of India, spinach is a highly awaited winter Leafy Green vegetable. Now that winter is here, enjoy these easy spinach recipes for taste as […]

29 Nov 2022 Read More

A Versatile And Delicious Sambar For Every Mood

Sambhar or sambar is a Southern Indian dish which comprises of lentils, vegetables and spices. It is described by late food historian KT Acharya as “a fairly thick spicy extract of thuvar dhal soured with tamarind, frequently containing soft vegetables like brinjal, gourd and lady’s finger” A sambar is a great accompaniment for hot idlis, […]

23 Nov 2022 Read More

Green Chutney | The History, Recipe, and many Delicious Ways to Eat It

Green Chutney is relished throughout India. Different regions of our diverse country have their own, tweaked versions of it. However, green chutney everywhere is tasty and has numerous benefits for digestion as well (if prepared responsibly, of course).  The reason why we love it so much is that it is a perfect balance of spice, […]

10 Nov 2022 Read More