20 Jun 2022

Foods That Affect Your Mental Health And How

Ever wondered why we love eating so much?  We’ll tell you why! When we eat, we forget a lot of our problems, and our taste buds help us shift our focus to the quality of the meal. Thus, eating right and eating healthy is often regarded as a significant way to improve one’s mental health. […]

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19 Jun 2022

5 Uber Cool Father’s Day Gift Ideas

Hey! It’s Father’s Day today! For many of us, our dads are our superheroes. While moms enjoy most of the limelight in our families😉, dads, on the other hand, are like those subtle pillars of confidence and strength that silently keep the knots of the family safe and strong.  The primary idea for celebrating Father’s […]

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16 Jun 2022

Dance Workouts: The Happy Way To Be Healthy!

If there’s anything that we have learnt in recent times, it is the importance of good health. Also, a lot of us want to get into good shape and become fitter but struggle with an enjoyable way to do so. Thankfully, we have the boon of using dancing as an exercise with Dance Fitness workouts.  […]

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12 Jun 2022

Mango- The King Of Fruits

“He visits my town once a year. He fills my mouth with kisses and nectar. I spend all my money on him. Who girl, your man? No, a mango” Amir Khusrau Reminiscing about the time you drank mango juice after mango juice when you returned home after playing in the scorching sun! Well, read on […]

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10 Jun 2022

Iced Tea Origins - A National Iced Tea Day Special

Tea or Chai is one of the most popular hot beverages in the world and we sure do know why. All we need is a reason to brew our favourite refreshing tea and sit with our friends and family for a chit-chat. May it be a cup of black tea with added spices and lemon […]

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05 Jun 2022

Recycling At Milkbasket: A World Environment Day Special

As people who serve and bring convenience to other people, it’s important for us as brands to give a thought from time to time to what matters the most to us as human beings. The realization of the countless resources that our planet has provided us allows us to be amazed and humbled and find […]

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03 Jun 2022

A Cheesy Affair We All Need In Our Lives!

What comes to your mind when you think of Cheese? Cheese burst pizza, burger, lasagna and cheesy french fries to name a few! It is one of the most versatile foods as it helps elevate every dish.  It is procured when the milk is curdled and it is separated into milk curds and whey. National […]

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01 Jun 2022

Using Milk in Beauty: A World Milk Day Special

Milk is an ingredient we love and also love to hate. Chai, coffee, milkshakes, and paneer get us through our days while we understand the predicaments of our Vegan and Lactose Intolerant friends.  A lot has been said in favour and against the consumption of milk. However, this post is not about that! This post […]

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31 May 2022

How To Organize Your Home Better

It is said a home is where you are your truest self and the best way to have a home which is a safe haven is to have it organized. With our busy lives, having an organized home helps us have a safe haven. The golden rule to organize your home is, place it back […]

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31 May 2022

CTM Routine: Skincare I Swear By

There are some of us who have genuinely been blessed with great, glowing skin. On the other hand, there are some of us who take many precautions and put efforts into maintaining healthy skin. Whichever group you fall in, the CTM routine, or the Cleansing-Toning-Moisturizing routine, is going to be very beneficial for your facial […]

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