A Versatile And Delicious Sambar For Every Mood

Sambhar or sambar is a Southern Indian dish which comprises of lentils, vegetables and spices. It is described by late food historian KT Acharya as “a fairly thick spicy extract of thuvar dhal soured with tamarind, frequently containing soft vegetables like brinjal, gourd and lady’s finger” A sambar is a great accompaniment for hot idlis, […]

23 Nov 2022 Read More

Green Chutney | The History, Recipe, and many Delicious Ways to Eat It

Green Chutney is relished throughout India. Different regions of our diverse country have their own, tweaked versions of it. However, green chutney everywhere is tasty and has numerous benefits for digestion as well (if prepared responsibly, of course).  The reason why we love it so much is that it is a perfect balance of spice, […]

10 Nov 2022 Read More

DIY Winter Hair Care And Why It is Important

Winter means hair becoming dry, rough and brittle because of the cold. You can avoid this with hair masks that can be made at home. Also winter is a great season to get your hair into better shape. Since we shower with hot water, the skin and hair become drier than usual. To avoid your […]

10 Nov 2022 Read More

Health Benefits of Flax Seeds | Easy Ways to include Flax Seeds in your diet

Flaxseeds are one of the oldest known crops to humankind. Flax seeds not only add taste, crunch, and texture to our meals but have been deemed as ‘superfoods’ that provide numerous health benefits. In this post, we will discuss the health benefits of flax seeds as well as simple ways to include them in our […]

28 Oct 2022 Read More

Diwali - Significance, Food And Celebration

Diwali is celebrated predominantly in India, but with immigration, exchange of cultures and the internet showcasing everything around the world in seconds, Diwali has now become a worldwide phenomenon. This season marks the onset of autumn and winter in India. It is also the time where families come together to celebrate, eat food, enjoy and […]

24 Oct 2022 Read More

Looking for Last-minute Diwali Gifts Online? Milkbasket has you covered!

While the weather seems to get cooler near Diwali, especially in the Northern states of the country, our hearts seem to get warmer and calmer. Traditionally, Diwali is also an occasion where we express our gratitude and love to the people in our lives. That is why gifting is a huge part of the Diwali […]

21 Oct 2022 Read More

Mental Health And Its Significance In Your Work Life

What comes to your mind when you read the words mental health? Depression, anxiety, stress or is it hope, support, help. If it is the first, then you should know people are always there for you and if it is the latter then we urge you to help people out in coping. Why Was World […]

10 Oct 2022 Read More

The Essentials Needed For Your Makeup Kit

Makeup, an essential part of our lives but ever so confusing! Yes, those numerous brushes and the no makeup, makeup look is baffling! But, that’s why we’re here to help you navigate and start your journey into making the perfect makeup kit! Makeup needn’t be rocket science, it is art that needs to be understood […]

06 Oct 2022 Read More

Durga Puja - Maa Esche!

Durga Puja is an important festival celebrated in Hinduism and it has a significant meaning. This festival is celebrated in the honour of Goddess Durga. Durga is a deity, who is said to be the incarnation of goddess parvati. Many times the idols are also made on the theme of current events that particular year.  […]

01 Oct 2022 Read More

The Product for 5000+ Products: An insight into the Product Team at Milkbasket

This is an exciting time to be at Milkbasket – full of growth, learning, and purpose-driven contributions. We’re becoming bigger – launching in new cities, adding new serviceable areas within existing hubs, and perfecting our processes and service. However, with so many additions to the landscape and transformations from the bottom up, how does the […]

30 Sep 2022 Read More