15 Oct 2022

Winter Care: Prepare For The Season

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The breeze is getting chilly as we dive into winter care of our bodies. Our recent past has made us see the pandemic’s recurring effect and huge hike in common cold during the winter season. These cold temperatures bring out serious ailments as well as feelings of melancholy. Hence, to stay healthy all through the season, now is the time to start preparing for the coming cold weather. 

So here are some ways to do your winter care right this season. 

Winter Care & Preps In 5 Ways:

1. Increase Vitamin D Intake

vitamin D capsule shining in the sun

Vitamin D naturally produces in our body when we are exposed to sunlight. In winters this exposure becomes less and in places where sunlight is limited during winters, Vitamin D deficiency can become a common problem. Vitamin D is a great weapon against seasonal diseases like cold and flu. If you can’t head out to get some sun, add vitamin D rich food to your daily diet. Salmon, cod, chia seeds, walnuts, dairy products and flax seeds are some foods that contain vitamin D.

2. Winter Care Workouts

Woman with work out gear

Regular workouts are needed throughout the year to maintain a healthy body. Especially during winters our food intake increases and lack of exercise can lead to hazardous results. Workouts also keep our bodies warm and active as the winter season can leave a person with melancholic feelings of depression. Active lifestyle will help you engage into more outdoor activities and events and hence keep your mind and body both healthy during the season. The good blood flow due to workouts also helps boost immunity and build resistance from diseases.

3. Winter Skin Care

Winer care cream for skin

Winter comes with dryness and taking care of your skin is integral to prepare your body for the season. With the first cool breeze, we can start to notice dry and patchy skin. Winter is the time to show your skin some love, so keep moisturising and hydrating it. Switch to thicker moisturisers and if your skin is acne prone then go for gel/water based moisturisers. Avoid hot, long showers as they can strip your skin of essential nutrients. Remember, you might not be able to see the sun, but it’s still there so wear your sunscreen with a good SPF range, during the day to protect your skin from UV exposure.

4. Boost Your Immune System

immunity boosting foods

A weak immune system is easily susceptible to diseases like cold and flu and can increase your chances of contracting them. So to keep your immune system strong and as an integral part of your winter care schedule add Vitamin C to your diet. Hence consuming citrus fruits can help. Zinc is also a great immunity booster since it uses white blood cells to defend the body against harmful, disease-causing pathogens. Even fruits, vegetables and spices, like turmeric, provide natural antioxidants to your body to help fight winter diseases. Fuel your body with this healthy diet and get your winter care started on the right path. 

So get ready! Order all your above mentioned essentials from your favourite grocery delivery app, Milkbasket and get started with your winter care!


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