Health Benefits of Greek Yogurt

In recent times, the popularity of Greek Yogurt as a health superfood has risen considerably. More and more people are inclined towards high-protein foods. There is no such thing as ‘regional foods’ and ‘regional cuisines’ anymore as food items from all over the world are being commercialized and sold across the globe. Sailing on the […]

29 Jun 2023 Read More

How To Make Iced Black Coffee At Home

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages around the world. While latte, mocha, cappuccino etc are versions of coffee with milk or creamer, black coffee is made only with water and coffee. This black coffee needn’t be hot, it can also be enjoyed iced and cold. So, when summer starts to approach and you […]

23 Jun 2023 Read More

Know Everything About Types of Coffee Beans & Roasts

When we’re young, that’s all that we know of this drink that everyone seems to love – that it’s just coffee. In the last few years, globalisation and the information boom have brought the news and the trends of the world to us. We became aware of the arabica, robusta, dark roast, medium roast, light […]

23 Jun 2023 Read More

Tomato Sauce Recipe: Easy, Healthy, Homemade

Everyone loves tomato ketchup. However, we want to avoid eating store-bought food as much as we can for health reasons. This Tomato Sauce Recipe is relatively simpler yet is one of the most versatile food items that you can keep at home. It adds a distinctive flavour to food from almost every cuisine, from Italian […]

21 Jun 2023 Read More

Reach Your Fitness Goals with High Protein Vegan Foods

Proteins are called ‘macro-nutrients’ – which means that our body requires them in large amounts for our proper functioning. They are called the building blocks of our body and they are essential for our growth and sustenance. In this blog, we will share with you how protein works and high-protein vegan foods that you can […]

16 Jun 2023 Read More

5 Common Myths About Mango

Mango has been grown and eaten in India for thousands of years. Families look forward to the summer season only to be able to eat tasty, juicy, sweet & sour mangoes. These stone fruits aren’t just delicious but also provide various health benefits. However, people are often skeptical about eating mangoes due to the myth […]

16 Jun 2023 Read More

Is Greek Yogurt really Greek? Know Its History & How To Make It

Greek yogurt is like the ‘poster-girl’ of health foods in the modern times. Because of it’s rich & creamy texture and abundant health benefits, it has become popular among urban and suburban people across the world. However, is Greece really the origin of Greek yogurt? In this blog, we’ll shed some light on all this […]

13 Jun 2023 Read More

5 Low Calorie Foods To Use As Alternatives

In this day and age, health and longevity mean everything. People spend thousands of dollars in their lifetime on healthcare. Everyone is busy and is always short of time for themselves. Therefore, the demand for quick health fixes and foods on the go is ever-increasing. However, small lifestyle changes can have enormous incremental benefits in […]

13 Jun 2023 Read More

The Easiest Paneer Pulao Recipe To Make At Home

Paneer pulao is such a delicious dish that many people love. It’s got a perfect mix of spices, fluffy rice & yummy chunks of paneer. What’s great about it is that it’s a vegetarian dish that still tastes amazing – vegetarians can finally enjoy pulao without sacrificing on taste.  Adding paneer to the dish not […]

25 May 2023 Read More

Cooking Without Fire: 5 Awesome Fireless Cooking Recipes For Summer Vacation

Are you tired of the same old cooking? Ready to embark on a culinary adventure that defies convention? Look no further, because we’re about to turn up the heat without a single flicker of flame!  Get ready to discover the whimsical world of cooking without fire, where gastronomic wonders of fireless cooking unfold in the […]

25 May 2023 Read More