29 May 2022

Best Meals To Start Your Day

Why Breakfast is So Important Eating breakfast means you ‘break the fast’ you’ve put your body through during sleep, allowing your glucose supply to replenish and give your body the required energy to boost. It will also give your metabolism the jump start it needs to burn calories throughout the day.  One of the best […]

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22 May 2022

3 Super Easy Weekday Baking Recipes & Pro Tips

Baking has become quite the fascination since the year 2020 when almost everyone was working from home and we had all the time in the world to surface our hobbies and passion for activities like baking, cooking, painting etc. While its true that baking certain recipes do require alot of preparation and patience, there are […]

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22 May 2022

How To Meal Prep Weekly For Indian Cooking!

Everyday racking your brains to think “what to make for a meal” is rather annoying. And shopping for it is even worse. Well, we have you covered in shopping and planning for the week! Meal prepping is key to having quick meals cooked and being nutritious. Although a rather foreign concept, meal prepping for Indian […]

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21 May 2022

Easy Dips Recipes to Make Your Bar Snacks Yummier!

Easy Dip Recipes For Home Are you an experienced social butterfly? Or, like me, just someone who wants their guests to have a good time? Take my word for it, you can never fail with the age-old yumminess of chips & crisps served with a delicious dip. Or three! So I spend a lot of […]

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21 May 2022

Intimate Hygiene & Why it's Important

We all witnessed the importance of basic hygiene habits like regularly washing our hands and keeping ourselves and our clothes clean amongst the spread of covid. Just like our hands, everyday cleansing of all our body parts is imperative for a healthy life. Daily cleansing is an important way to keep yourself healthy.  Intimate hygiene […]

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10 May 2022

Mother's Day Recipes You'll Love

We all have memories of our mothers being there for us no matter what the situation. Us being pampered, scolded and even doted over on the smallest of achievements and mistakes but above all, them not being imperfectly perfect. All through it all, food is the centre of our existence. Ghar Ke nuske to get […]

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05 Apr 2022

Your Guide To Veganism

Veganism has picked up in the last few years, we have all seen our Instagram reels and Facebook videos. Navigating it is sometimes difficult, sometimes confusing. In this blog, we help you navigate veganism and how to follow a vegan diet at home.

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05 Apr 2022

Beauty Benefits Of Fresh Nariyal Pani

Fresh coconut water is a holy grail for skin and not just via physical application, drinking coconut water rejuvenates your internal organs with its rich mineral value and daily intake benefits in resolving multiple digestive issues as well. Now let's learn the direct benefits of applying fresh coconut water to your skin.

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05 Apr 2022

Easy Salad Recipes - Healthy & Super Tasty

In this blog post, I’ll be sharing all the ingredients for the salad, the preferred cutting/chopping styles, and also an easy salad dressing recipe that will tantalize your taste buds and please your digestive system!

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