Easy Spinach Recipes | 6 Delicious Ways to Eat Spinach this Winter

Spinach is one of the most important Leafy Green vegetables. It is rich in vitamins, essential minerals, and water, and is known for its many health benefits. In the Northern Part of India, spinach is a highly awaited winter Leafy Green vegetable. Now that winter is here, enjoy these easy spinach recipes for taste as […]

29 Nov 2022 Read More

DIY Winter Hair Care And Why It is Important

Winter means hair becoming dry, rough and brittle because of the cold. You can avoid this with hair masks that can be made at home. Also winter is a great season to get your hair into better shape. Since we shower with hot water, the skin and hair become drier than usual. To avoid your […]

10 Nov 2022 Read More

Health Benefits of Flax Seeds | Easy Ways to include Flax Seeds in your diet

Flaxseeds are one of the oldest known crops to humankind. Flax seeds not only add taste, crunch, and texture to our meals but have been deemed as ‘superfoods’ that provide numerous health benefits. In this post, we will discuss the health benefits of flax seeds as well as simple ways to include them in our […]

28 Oct 2022 Read More

Fitness Freak? Sportsperson? Here are 6 effective ways to Improve Gym Performance

Health isn’t just for people who are enthusiastic about working out, sports or gyms. It is important for all of us to lead joyful, fulfilling, and meaningful lives. This article is intended to be helpful for everyone – whether or not they go to the gym. However, if you happen to be exploring starting some […]

16 Oct 2022 Read More

Mental Health And Its Significance In Your Work Life

What comes to your mind when you read the words mental health? Depression, anxiety, stress or is it hope, support, help. If it is the first, then you should know people are always there for you and if it is the latter then we urge you to help people out in coping. Why Was World […]

10 Oct 2022 Read More

The Essentials Needed For Your Makeup Kit

Makeup, an essential part of our lives but ever so confusing! Yes, those numerous brushes and the no makeup, makeup look is baffling! But, that’s why we’re here to help you navigate and start your journey into making the perfect makeup kit! Makeup needn’t be rocket science, it is art that needs to be understood […]

06 Oct 2022 Read More

3 Healthy Coffee Alternatives To Kickstart Your Day!

Coffee has been a popular drink for many years now. It is enjoyed by many people for different reasons. Some people drink coffee to get a boost of energy in the morning. Others simply enjoy it as a social activity with friends or colleagues at work. Whatever the reason, millions of people around the world […]

29 Sep 2022 Read More

Eat These 5 Foods To Keep Common Cold & Seasonal Flu At Bay During The Changing Season!

As we transition into the colder season, many of us are likely to experience cold and flu. This is because the weather conditions are more conducive to these viruses. Therefore, it is essential to understand how you can prevent the onset of a cold or the flu The flu virus starts its life cycle in […]

26 Sep 2022 Read More

4 Useful Tips To Keep Winter Laziness Away, Have An Active Lifestyle And Maintain Your Daily Routine

People usually find winters to be a time where they are more likely to feel lazy. This is understandable, especially when it’s cold outside and there isn’t much to do.  However, it is important to find ways to avoid feeling lazy during the winters. There are several things that one can do to ensure that […]

21 Sep 2022 Read More

Mobility Exercises & Their Importance: A Fitness Must-Do You Shouldn't Ignore

Mobility is our body’s ability to achieve a greater range of motion and control its movements. While flexibility is all about the lengthening of our muscles, mobility is about the combined movement created by our bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscle groups together. Mobility allows one to have stability and do strenuous activities like lifting […]

15 Sep 2022 Read More