5 Unique, Easy And Share Worthy Maggi Recipes You'll Love To Cook & Enjoy! šŸ˜

Maggi 2 Minute Noodles has got to be the ultimate instant noodles that almost all of us have grown up eating and still cook a pack or two every now and then to kill those quick hunger pangs. Although marketed as a ā€˜2 Minutesā€™ cook time noodles, it still takes 3 to 4 minutes to […]

31 Jul 2022 Read More

Monsoon Foods For Staying Healthy This Season

We love monsoons in India – especially in the north. After months of high temperatures and dryness, we welcome the showers with joy. We love to accompany it with a chai or a coffee, freshly fried pakode (veg fritters), and some sweet tunes in the background. No wonder our vote goes to chai and pakode […]

23 Jul 2022 Read More

Interesting Facts About Burgers That You Would Love To Share With Others. Let's Learn!

Burgers are one food item we all just love to eat anytime, all the time. A burger is cooked by placing a filling of meat or vegetables between slices of a bun; generally the bun is round. People love to eat them and thus have given rise to many restaurants and local vendors engaged in […]

21 Jul 2022 Read More

Foods That Affect Your Mental Health And How

Ever wondered why we love eating so much?Ā  Weā€™ll tell you why! When we eat, we forget a lot of our problems, and our taste buds help us shift our focus to the quality of the meal. Thus, eating right and eating healthy is often regarded as a significant way to improve oneā€™s mental health. […]

20 Jun 2022 Read More

Mango- The King Of Fruits

“He visits my town once a year. He fills my mouth with kisses and nectar. I spend all my money on him. Who girl, your man? No, a mango” Amir Khusrau Reminiscing about the time you drank mango juice after mango juice when you returned home after playing in the scorching sun! Well, read on […]

12 Jun 2022 Read More

Iced Tea Origins - A National Iced Tea Day Special

Tea or Chai is one of the most popular hot beverages in the world and we sure do know why. All we need is a reason to brew our favourite refreshing tea and sit with our friends and family for a chit-chat. May it be a cup of black tea with added spices and lemon […]

10 Jun 2022 Read More

A Cheesy Affair We All Need In Our Lives!

What comes to your mind when you think of Cheese? Cheese burst pizza, burger, lasagna and cheesy french fries to name a few! It is one of the most versatile foods as it helps elevate every dish.  It is procured when the milk is curdled and it is separated into milk curds and whey. National […]

03 Jun 2022 Read More

3 Super Easy Weekday Baking Recipes & Pro Tips

Baking has become quite the fascination since the year 2020 when almost everyone was working from home and we had all the time in the world to surface our hobbies and passion for activities like baking, cooking, painting etc. While its true that baking certain recipes do require alot of preparation and patience, there are […]

22 May 2022 Read More

How To Meal Prep Weekly For Indian Cooking!

Everyday racking your brains to think ā€œwhat to make for a mealā€ is rather annoying. And shopping for it is even worse. Well, we have you covered in shopping and planning for the week! Meal prepping is key to having quick meals cooked and being nutritious. Although a rather foreign concept, meal prepping for Indian […]

22 May 2022 Read More

Easy Dips Recipes to Make Your Bar Snacks Yummier!

Easy Dip Recipes For Home Are you an experienced social butterfly? Or, like me, just someone who wants their guests to have a good time? Take my word for it, you can never fail with the age-old yumminess of chips & crisps served with a delicious dip. Or three! So I spend a lot of […]

21 May 2022 Read More