Celebrate Tradition with Milkbasket: 7 Days of Free Milk

Milk, a gift from nature, has been a staple in our lives for over 10,000 years. Whether sourced from cows, buffaloes, or sheep, dairy milk holds a special place in our hearts and homes. In India, people have a special place for milk, appreciating its importance in daily nutrition and cultural traditions. Despite this, free […]

10 Jun 2024 Read More

Using Milk in Beauty: A World Milk Day Special

Milk is an ingredient we love and also love to hate. Chai, coffee, milkshakes, and paneer get us through our days while we understand the predicaments of our Vegan and Lactose Intolerant friends.  A lot has been said in favour and against the consumption of milk. However, this post is not about that! This post […]

01 Jun 2022 Read More