28 Sep 2022

Exfoliation - What, How And DIY Exfoliating Scrubs

Exfoliation is paramount to your skincare routine because it helps clean out the dirt from your pores, dead skin and also gives a gentle massage to your skin, allowing better blood flow. As per the dictionary exfoliation means To remove (a layer of bark or skin) in flakes or peel To cast off in scales, […]

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28 Sep 2022

Milkbasket's Latest DVC Campaign Is Out, And It's Quirky And Relatable As Heck!

The year 2021 was all about patience, resilience, and the grind it takes to get back up from a worldwide slump that the COVID-19 pandemic had hit us with. It made us all revisit our roots, recalibrate our priorities, and strengthen our foundations. With the better part of 2022 gone into slowly spreading our wings, […]

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27 Sep 2022

Afternoon Tea: The New HappyHour Drink

Afternoon Tea is a meal composed of sandwiches cut into tiny pieces called fingers, alongside scones, pastries or cakes. Out of this spread scones were not a common feature until its introduction to afternoon teas in the twentieth century.  Afternoon Tea was started as a private social event for ladies who had reached a certain […]

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26 Sep 2022

Eat These 5 Foods To Keep Common Cold & Seasonal Flu At Bay During The Changing Season!

As we transition into the colder season, many of us are likely to experience cold and flu. This is because the weather conditions are more conducive to these viruses. Therefore, it is essential to understand how you can prevent the onset of a cold or the flu The flu virus starts its life cycle in […]

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23 Sep 2022

Benefits Of Home Cooked Baked Goods

Making baked food in the kitchen can do more than just creating yummy comfort food. In fact, some researches show that baking has therapeutic value which helps to ease anxiety and depression. Statistics show that one in four people can experience mental health problems at some point in their lives, hence, this wholesome therapy is […]

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23 Sep 2022

Grocery Delivery In Monsoon 2022: How Milkbasket Pulled It Off | A Tribute Video For Our Delivery Partners

As an organization, we are in the midst of a phase of great transformations and growth. Therefore, it becomes all the more necessary for us to establish and fortify our core values. Our new video is a tribute to our valiant and vivacious delivery partners who have been the front runners in making daily-essentials and […]

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21 Sep 2022

4 Useful Tips To Keep Winter Laziness Away, Have An Active Lifestyle And Maintain Your Daily Routine

People usually find winters to be a time where they are more likely to feel lazy. This is understandable, especially when it’s cold outside and there isn’t much to do.  However, it is important to find ways to avoid feeling lazy during the winters. There are several things that one can do to ensure that […]

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16 Sep 2022

4 Delicious Soups To Enjoy In the Chilling Winters!

So, what do you do in the coldest months of the year? If you are like most people, you might find yourself reaching for a delicious warm soup.  Soup is a perfect way to warm up on a cold day, and it can be enjoyed in many different ways. Sometimes your soup will be served […]

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15 Sep 2022

Mobility Exercises & Their Importance: A Fitness Must-Do You Shouldn't Ignore

Mobility is our body’s ability to achieve a greater range of motion and control its movements. While flexibility is all about the lengthening of our muscles, mobility is about the combined movement created by our bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, and muscle groups together. Mobility allows one to have stability and do strenuous activities like lifting […]

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11 Sep 2022

5 Amazing Ideas To Celebrate Grandparent’s Day With Your Grandparents And Make Them Feel Super Special!

Grandparents are important in the lives of children. They provide emotional support and teach children important life skills through their own life experiences. It is important for children to have regular interactions with their grandparents, as this can help shape their development into responsible adults. Childhood can be a happy time for children but it […]

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