Food & Recipes

Mango Juice Recipe – Easy & Homemade

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The mango is a tropical stone fruit believed to have originated in the Indian subcontinent. People of Southeast Asia have been cultivating this fruit for thousands of years. Rich in nutrition and loved for their sweet, juicy, and tangy taste, they are eaten raw, cooked, pickled, preserved, and juiced.

In this blog post, we will show you how to make an easy mango juice recipe in 10 minutes without much hassle.

Mango Juice Recipe

How to choose the right mangoes for juicing

Mangoes come in a lot of varieties. The Indian subcontinent alone has nearly 1500 varieties of it. However, for the purpose of juicing, you must choose fully ripe mangoes as they are softer, sweeter, and juicier.

These are the mangoes that are brighter and have a deeper color too. Ripe mangoes also smell fruitier and sweet as compared to unripe ones.

Most commercial mango-based drinks in India use ‘Alphonso’ as they are considered the best for juicing.

Alphonso mangoes have a full taste. However, you can pick the more easily available varieties like Ratnagiri, Chausa (Chaunsa), Safeda, Alphonso, Banganapalli, and Neelam, etc too without any second thoughts. 

Mango Juice Recipe (Serves 2)- Step-by-Step Guide


  • 2-3 mangoes
  • Ice cubes
  • Chilled Water (200 ml)

Step 1: Peel the mangoes – Use a sharp knife. Start peeling the skin thinly and carefully so as to not spoil or waste the pulp. The best way to peel the skin is from the top of the mango and towards the narrower tip of the fruit. 

Step 2: Chop the mangoes – Mango has a stone (the seed) in the center. Cut slices from all sides and chop them into small cubes. You can either throw the stone away or plant it in the ground and grow your own mango sapling. 

Step 3: Blend the Mango Pieces – Since mango is full of fiber, it can not be juiced in a juicer like many other vegetables and fruits. Therefore, the best way to make mango juice is using a blender.

Just blend the chopped mango till it gives you a smooth paste. You can also add 200 ml of chilled water to the blender to give it an even consistency.

Step 4: Serve on the Rocks with Garnish – Add 3-4 ice cubes to your glass and pour the mango juice over it. You can garnish it with a couple of mint leaves, seeds (chia, melon, or sunflower), and chopped cashews and almonds. 

Drinking Mango Juice During The Off-Season

Mangoes are seasonal fruits. Naturally, they are available during the summer season and start to disappear from the local fruit markets during the middle of the rainy season.

However, thanks to modern Agri-Tech, we can get specialty varieties of mangoes around the year. However, you can enjoy mangoes throughout the year using this simple preservation technique.

Freeze Mango (Mango Juice Recipe without Juicer)

You can cut slices of mango and store them in Ziploc bags in your freezer. You can either preserve chopped mangoes or slices as well.

Make sure that you remove all air and oxygen out of the Ziploc bags before zipping them. Also, make sure that the slices are not stacked over each other or touching each other inside the Ziploc bags. 

When you want to make mango juice, just thaw the frozen mangoes. Put 2-3 mango iced cubes in a glass, add a dash of lime juice and syrup in it, and enjoy a delicious glass of mango juice!

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